3 Simple Tips to Help Your Cat Lose Weight

Help Cat Lose Weight

3 Simple Tips to Help Your Cat Lose Weight

You go in for your cat’s yearly vet visit, and, while they admit your cat is undeniably cute and doesn’t have any serious medical issues, they notice something you’ve been in denial of for some time: Your cat is a little overweight. Okay, maybe more than a little.

Just like us, they need to watch their calories. A good rule of thumb, for an indoor cat, is 20 calories per pound per day. Outdoor cats, 35 calories per pound. The average cat weighs 8 pounds. Now, we have a good baseline to begin building a plan.

It can be hard to resist giving your cat extra treats here and there, but if it’s beginning to impact their health, you can still help. Here are 3 simple tips for you to help your cat to lose weight:

1. Play more!

While diet is important, sometimes your kitty just needs to move more. Try something classic, like a laser pointer, or get a fishing toy to encourage them to jump into the air. Start with just 5 minutes and, after they build up some endurance, try to go a full hour! You will be amazed at how quickly you can change the behavior of your cat. Remember when making a change, you are creating a self-reinforcing cycle of positive reinforcement.

2. Try canned food


Canned food has more water, and that can go a long way toward helping your cat to feel full longer. There are a variety of flavors on the market now, from salmon to chicken and more. Try different types and textures to see what your cat likes best. Cats love to eat meat and canned food has lots of meat in it. It can be a problem when trying to feed them dry food that is highly grain-based

3. Get a feeding ball


Feeding balls are perfect for combining meal time with exercise. As carnivores, cats have feisty ancestors that had to hunt for their own meals. While you might not be sending your cat out into the wild to get their own food, putting it in a feeding ball can awaken their instincts and give them a workout too. Tap into their natural instincts to hunt and forage for food. They will be mentally stimulated and burn some fat at the same time. Win, Win.

Being told your cat needs to lose weight can be hard, but there are steps you can take to help your kitty get back into prime shape. Before you know it, you’ll be trying to calm their zoomies down at 2 AM. Hey, at least they’re staying healthy!

See more of our Pet Tips Here

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