3 Women Charged in Murder Plot 

Three women are facing charges of complicity to commit murder for their part in a shooting last Saturday at Lett Terrace in West Portsmouth.  Chloe Williams, 23, of West Portsmouth, Hayley Will, 26, of West Portsmouth, and Torrie Woodrow, 21, of Portsmouth, have all been booked into the Scioto County Jail after the Scioto County Grand Jury handed down indictments on Friday. 

We told you that five people, including two juveniles, were arrested after an extensive investigation. The Scioto County Sheriff’s Office says the suspects may be behind other crimes in the area.   It started when a call came to 911 just before 4 am, reporting multiple shots fired at the apartment complex. However, deputies patrolling the area had already heard the shots and headed to the scene.  

Two women and a man flagged down officers. The man, Trevon Watts, 26, of Portsmouth, claimed a car had followed his girlfriend from a nearby gas station. He said when he came out to confront the driver, someone opened fire on him. Officers learned there was an open warrant out of Dayton for Watts and took him into custody.  

After deputies checked security videos from Lett Terrace, they learned that the witnesses had lied to law enforcement. The video showed a vehicle with its windows up had pulled onto Noel Lane and did not open fire. Five individuals ambushed the car and opened fire on the people inside. 

The victims of the attack told officers they met some girls at a gas station, and one of them began to flirt with them. They followed the girls in hopes of getting their phone number, but when they arrived at Lett Terrace, the shooters were already waiting for them to pull in.  

Officers arrested Trevon Watts, 26, of Portsmouth, Kaeden Borders, 18, of Portsmouth, Cody Milum, 19, of Portsmouth, and two underage males who were not identified due to their age. 

The grand jury also handed down indictment warrants, which added two counts of Attempted Murder to the charges against the males and included new charges on three females. 

Get caught up. Read our previous report on this incident.

5 Arrested In Lett Terrace Shooting Spree  

Who’s Behind the Lett Terrace Murder Plot? 

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