30 Tons of Trash Tires Dumped on Scioto County Roads Last Year 

We all know that littering is a huge problem in Scioto County, but you’ll probably be surprised to learn just how many discarded tires have been removed from Scioto County. 

At Thursday’s Scioto County Commissioners meeting, the board voted to renew an agreement that allows the Ohio EPA to use the County Engineer’s Garage as a staging area to remove tires.  

Commissioner Bryan Davis said that in the year, the program has removed 30.8 tons of scrap tires from public rights-of-way. That’s over 2800 tires!   

“It’s a much-needed program,” said Commissioner Scottie Powell. “It prevents tires from being left in our waterways and on the side of the road. I appreciate the engineer allowing us to utilize the space.” 

The commissioners voted unanimously in favor of renewing the agreement.  

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