4 Healthy Foods To Satisfy Your Sugar Cravings

A woman holding a vanilla cupcake and an apple, deciding which to choose to satisfy her sugar craving.

Many of us love snacking on sweets as they come in a variety to choose from: chocolates, pastries, gummy candies, and cookies, to name a few. Eating these treats in moderation usually isn’t an issue, but over-indulging can be unhealthy. Of course, stopping at just one cookie can feel like a major challenge when you have a sweet tooth. We’ve identified four healthy foods to satisfy your sugar cravings so you can continue enjoying sweets. 

Fruit Salad

Although fruit has sugar, these are natural sugars, and our body metabolizes them differently than cane sugar and other sweeteners. Or ability to easily metabolize natural fruit sugars makes them a healthier option for satisfying your sugar cravings. Plus, fruits contain numerous vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can keep you full longer. 

Mix a variety of berries, apples, kiwi, bananas, or any other fruit you enjoy in a bowl for a tasty and healthy treat. What’s great about this option is that you can swap out the fruits you use according to the season—you won’t get tired of eating the same snack!

Eat Cocoa Products

Chocolate is a go-to sweetener, and you can add cocoa powder to your daily diet in numerous ways that are healthy and tasty. You can add it to smoothies or eat pieces of dark chocolate with natural peanut butter. Strive for snacking chocolate options with at least 70% cocoa content to reap the most health benefits. 

Homemade Granola Bars

Many store-bought granola bars contain high amounts of added sugars and preservatives. Also, making granola at home is a healthier option and is easy to do no matter your cooking abilities. 

All you need to do is mix rolled oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, honey, or maple syrup and bake until golden brown. These homemade granola bars will satisfy your sugar cravings while providing a good source of fiber and healthy fats.

Yogurt Parfait

Plain, low-fat yogurt is a great source of protein and probiotics. Top it with your favorite fruits, such as berries, peaches, or mangoes for a touch of sweetness. Sprinkle some granola on top for added crunch. This tasty snack will satisfy your sweet tooth without introducing excess sugar into your diet.

Pro Tip 

On those days when you want something extra sweet yet healthy, you could drizzle a teaspoon of honey on your parfait.

Eat Foods You Enjoy

Deciding on the perfect healthy foods to satisfy your sugar cravings differs from person to person since we all have different tastes. Explore the healthy options available and find what works for you.

Reducing your refined sugar intake is essential for your overall health. However, enjoying your food and not depriving yourself completely is also important. Incorporating healthy snacks like fruit, dark chocolate, and yogurt into your diet can help satisfy your sugar cravings without overindulging in unhealthy options. Remember, moderation is key to a healthy lifestyle.

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