A Unique Way to Celebrate at Resthaven Rehab

Resthaven Rehab

Resthaven Rehab creates new ways for families to visit.

With the holidays nearly here, people all across the country have had to come up with new and unique ways to spend time with their families during a global pandemic. Many have resorted to online communications, but the employees at Resthaven Rehab and Skilled Nursing in McDermott, OH, have found a more unique way for patients to interact with their loved ones. 

Betty Smith, SCDN reporter, recently met with Monique and Rhonda, two employees at the facility who explained what they had done. In essence, the employees at Resthaven have converted one of their training facilities into a visiting area by placing a large plexiglass screen in the middle of the room. 

By having the patient enter through the back door, and the visitors enter from the front, the facility is able to give patients the ability to see and talk to their families in-person while still preventing the potential spread of the coronavirus. The back door also includes an accessibility ramp for patients who may have mobility limitations.

Rhonda stated that this idea came from the owner of the facility, Debbie, after months of the facility’s employees trying to find ways to safely allow holiday visits. The employees have also outfitted the room with refreshments for visitors, in order to promote the most enjoyable visit possible.

This is just one example of the many unique ways that the residents of Scioto County have found to safely meet with their friends and family this holiday season.


Resthaven Rehab and Skilled Nursing in McDermott, OH

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