Animal Shot During Home Invasion

Animal Shot During Home Invasion

An animal is reported shot during a home invasion and helpless foster kids lose their medication and clothes to drug contamination. We break down the Portsmouth Police Chief’s Daily Briefing.

Nursing Home Patient Bruised

A local nursing home called officers to report a mysterious bruise on a patient.  The staff wasn’t sure how it happened and the patient couldn’t recall how it happened. 

Workers thought he might have fallen but since the patient had dementia, they were unable to confirm. They wanted to make sure there was a record of the incident. 

Drama at Homeless Shelter

Police responded to the 17th Street Homeless Shelter for a report of a woman who was refusing to leave. By the time police arrived, the woman agreed to leave and was getting a ride.

While officers were there, two residents of the home got into an argument. Police advised both parties to calm down. 

Hey, That’s My Stuff

Foster Kids Lose Clothing and Meds to Drug Contamination

 Things went from bad to worse for some young kids taken into foster care. Their foster parent contacted the police at 7:30 pm to ask for help in collecting their belongings, including clothes and medication from their home.

Officers advised the man that the home may possibly be contaminated from drugs and it would not be safe to enter the home. Additionally, the home had been ransacked overnight. 

Officers advised the man to contact CPS for help getting clothing and medication for the children. 

Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Just after 8 pm, a caller reported 5 females fighting at the Portsmouth Cinema. Police discovered that juveniles had gotten into a fight. No one was injured. 

At 9:20 pm, a Wayne Avenue caller reported a man and woman fighting at a Wayne Avenue apartment. By the time police arrived, they’d quieted down and turned off the lights. 

Animal Shot in Home Invasion

Just after 4 am, Police responded to a report of shots fired at 14th and Union Street. When they arrived on the scene, they learned an animal had been shot inside a Robinson Avenue apartment during a possible aggravated burglary. 

Officers interviewed burglary victims at the police station.

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