Anthony Louderback Captured

Anthony Louderback Captured

Anthony Louderback Captured

The second suspect in the murder of 33-year-old Derick R. Holsinger has been located and arrested by the Portsmouth Police Department.

The grand jury returned indictments against Anthony L. Louderback, 36, of Chillicothe for:

In addition to these charges, the Portsmouth Police Department added a Parole Violation and driving under suspension.

Labor Day Weekend Murder

Portsmouth Police discovered Holsinger’s body after an anonymous call came in. The caller stated that there were several people standing outside an apartment in Wayne Hills looking into the apartment but nobody seemed to be calling for help. When the police arrived, they found the door to be opened and discovered Holsinger inside.

The alleged accomplice to the murder, Benny Ray Kilgore has been in police custody

Benny Ray Kilgore

Anthony Louderback Captured
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