Awful “Dad Jokes” Go Digital

Dad Jokes

Mark Craycraft, head of Scioto County Daily News, recently decided it would be a good idea to gather local celebrities from the Scioto area, and have them present their favorite dad jokes for our audience. Luckily for me, I get to be the one to report on it.

For those of you who may be curious, “dad jokes” are defined as “an unoriginal or unfunny joke of a type supposedly told by middle-aged or older men.” That is exactly what this panel provided. Included in this all-star lineup were celebrities such as Jenny Lavender, the manager of volunteer services at SOMC, Chip Maillet, general manager at WIOI Radio, Andrew McManus, and Edwin Martell, city councilmen, and Larry Mullins, Deputy Director at Scioto County Emergency Management Association.

In order to gather information for this article, I was forced to watch all 20 minutes of this video. I can say that I did not stop cringing until it was over. These jokes were intended to be dad jokes, and I can confidently say they succeeded because they gave me the same desire to groan and leave the room as my own father’s jokes.

If you somehow enjoy these types of “jokes”, I suppose this video might be entertaining to you. I also might recommend this video to you if you’re a young person who enjoys torturing themselves because watching this video is an excellent way to accomplish that goal. It has been stated that other public figures have expressed interest in participating in the next “Dad Jokes” panel, so this experience will not be over anytime soon, sadly.

Edwin’s joke about skeletons was definitely the funniest though.

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