It takes a lot of bravery to pursue an employment discrimination case, and it helps when you have good representation. Before preparing for your meeting with a discrimination lawyer, you will want to focus on finding the best person to represent you. Here are the traits to look for in a discrimination lawyer.
Experience and Success
You should find a lawyer who has experience with employment discrimination cases. Their expertise may provide you with an array of options to choose from if they decide your case is worth pursuing. It also helps if they have had previous success with these cases since it increases your chances of having a satisfactory resolution.
The Ability To Communicate
Another trait to look for in a discrimination lawyeris the ability to communicate effectively. The law doesn’t have a reputation for being easy to understand, but your lawyer should be able to communicate information in a way that you can comprehend. They also need to be able to represent you well in court and to the opposing counsel. If your attorney doesn’t do that, it might be time to look elsewhere.
Good Listening Skills
You should also look for a lawyer who has strong listening skills. They should be willing to listen to you and all your concerns. Additionally, you need to find a lawyer skilled at listening to witnesses, judges, and opposing counsels so they can analyze that information and give you the proper legal advice. Their ability to do so may be the difference between a legal win or a loss.
The Capability for Compassion
As you undergo this difficult task, you deserve a legal representative who can show you compassion. As they work with you and represent you in front of the court, they need to be sensitive and empathetic toward you. If they don’t seem capable of showing you any sympathy, it’s time to find a lawyer who will. After all, you are their client.
When you find an attorney with those traits, you should have a candidate who will work with you and fight for your rights. If not, you may be disappointed by the outcome.