How to Properly Care for a Betta Fish

How to Properly Care for a Betta Fish

How to Properly Care for a Betta Fish

Betta fish are a fantastic breed of fish to have as pets. They are beautiful and very entertaining. However, many people assume that they just put their Betta in a tank, feed them one a day, and everything will be fine. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The Betta fish is an intelligent and playful breed. They need proper care and consideration for their entire lifespan. Want to learn the appropriate way to care for Bettas? Read on!

Quick History of Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as the Siamese fighting fish, is a species native to Asia. Bettas naturally live in rice paddies, ponds, marshes, and other shallow bodies of water.

How long to Betta Fish live?

In captivity, Betta fish live 3-5 years.

Betta Fish Tank Setup

As you set up your tank, be mindful not to overcrowd it. You Betta should be able to swim happily in it.

The first thing in your tank should be your substrate. Sadly, many owners overlook the importance of soil substrate in a tank. Soil substrate keeps the tank water at a healthy ph level, which in turn keep the Betta happy. You can also plant live plants in your tank with a soil substrate.

Before you add the water to the tank, you want to make sure that the water is dechlorinated. Chlorine in a fish tank is just asking for trouble.

Finally, you want to ensure that you add beneficial bacteria to your tank. This might be the most crucial step in your tank setup. Beneficial bacteria help to keep the tank clean by breaking down food waste and dead plant material.

Betta Fish Toys and Entertainment

Wait. Do Betta fish need to be entertained? Yes! Betta fish are very active and intelligent fish. They need to have some form of entertainment.

An easy, inexpensive way to entertain your Betta is to paint the outside of their tank. Bettas are inquisitive fish. This is a great way to get them moving and thinking. Be careful to use fish-friendly paint.

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