Bubba Threatens to Burn Down House

Bubba Threatens to Burn Down House

A worried woman contacted officers just after 2:30 pm to report that a man named Bubba had threatened to burn down her parents’ home. 

However, when officers spoke to the owner of the home, she said she didn’t want to file charges. She said Bubba was just upset and sometimes threatened to burn down the house when he was aggravated. 

She said her daughter was just not used to being around the man. 

Political Activists Aggravate Homeowner

A Brant Avenue resident contacted police on Sunday afternoon to report at least four people in the past few days had approached her asking weird questions about voting. The caller said the people had come to three houses in the area multiple times but not to other residents.  

She said one of the people was now walking down Coles Blvd. 

When police caught up with the organizer from River Valley Listening, they explained that they were looking to speak to registered voters in those houses.

Police explained the situation to the worried woman. 

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