A worried mom contacted police at 11 am on Friday to report a horrible campaign of harassment against her daughter.
The mom said a number of the girl’s classmates had harassed her through text messages, calling her ugly and making fun of her medical condition. The same group of classmates had previously encouraged the child to kill herself.
The kids also threatened to beat her up, and the mother said she was physically assaulted last spring. The mom had previously notified school officials and said she would attempt to speak with the school again to see what they could do to stop it.
Family Dollar Customer Harassed by Man Who Refuses to Leave
Just before 4 pm, employees of the Family Dollar on 11th Street reported that a man had been harassing customers for several days. Witnesses said he kept getting mouthy with people attempting to enter the store or to go to the Salvation Army. Officers spoke to the man and barred him from the premises.
At 7:42 pm, an officer responded to a report of a man covered in blood at the Speedway on Gallia. It turned out he’d cut his hand, and he went to the hospital.
At 8:40 pm, a caller reported a man lying in the road in front of Little Caesar’s Pizza. Officers took a man into custody. It was his 15th arrest of 2022.
Man Reports Threats at the BP
Just after 4 am, a man contacted PPD to claim people were following him through the parking lot at the BP on Gallia. He said they threatened him and attempted to jump him.
When officers arrived at the scene, they discovered the man sleeping in a vehicle. However, no one at the gas station had seen any sign of anyone being threatened or jumped.
Since the man’s license was suspended, he parked his vehicle at the gas station for the night and walked to a friend’s home.