Car Flips Into Ditch on Feurt Hill Road

Officers responded to a report of a vehicle on its side in a ditch on Feurt Hill Road just after 1 pm. OSP, the Fire Department, and a rescue squad responded to the scene. 

The fire department advised that vehicle could be on fire. 

The rescue squad assisted an injured person, and police arranged to have the vehicle towed. 

Woman Claims Online Friend Is Following Her

A woman contacted the Sheriff’s Office just after noon to report that a man she met online was following her vehicle.

When an officer arrived on the scene, the woman jumped out of her car and started yelling, and the officer found it hard to understand.

After she left the scene, the man explained he was just trying to get the money she owed him for giving her a ride. Police advised the man to cut his losses. 

Worried Mom Searches For Troubled Missing Son 

A worried mom contacted the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office asking for help locating her adult son.

She told dispatch her son was supposed to be heading down to the area for his job but never sowed up. The woman told police he suffered from mental health problems and had been dealing with a lot of issues in his personal life. 

She had some ideas of where her son might be and asked officers to check that area. A deputy checked the location but did not see any sign of the man. 

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