Child Turns in Mom For Abuse and Drug Use

Child Turns in Mom For Abuse and Drug Use

A child contacted police to report her mom for abuse and police recover a stolen car. We hit the highlights of the Portsmouth Police Chief’s Daily Briefing.

Injured Man Reported On Gallia Street

Just before 1 am, a caller reported an unconscious man with a gash on his head on the ground near Kirby’s Flower Shop.  

Police and Fire Department personnel checked the area but could not locate him. 

Man Claims Girlfriend Held Against Her Will

A man contacted police just before 2 am to claim his girlfriend was being held against her will. However, police said he had no actual basis for the complaint, other than the woman not wanting to leave with him.

Police noted he seemed intoxicated and became rude and combative with them. They did, however, head out to the location to make sure the woman was all right and ended up taking information for a domestic violence report from the woman. 

Man Assaulted on Coles Blvd. 

Officer responded to King’s Daughters hospital to take a report of an assault. A man told police he was assaulted with a padlock around 1 am on Coles Blvd. 

Police took information for a report. 

Help! Mom Kicked Me Out!

A 21-year-old man contacted the police after his mom kicked him out of the house. He wanted to go back inside and get his clothes. 

Police stood by while he collected some items from his bedroom. His mother said she would get him the rest of his stuff later. 

Stolen Car Recovered on Kendall Avenue 

A traffic stop on Kendall avenue turned up a vehicle reported stolen in Mansfield. The driver went into an apartment, but no one would open the door. 

There were several warrants for one of the passengers. Officers took him into custody. Police called the vehicle’s rightful owner and arranged for the vehicle to be towed to the impound lot. 

Good Samaritan 

A Circle Drive caller contacted police to report that he’d discovered a purse in the Kroger parking lot. Kroger told him that a PPD officer had taken a report for a missing report earlier. 

An officer collected the purse, found the report, and planned to return the item to the rightful owner. 

Child Turns In Mom for Abuse and Drug Use

A child contacted PPD just before 6 pm to report her mother is verbally abusive and using drugs. 

Officers contacted CPS and headed out to the residence along with a CPS worker. Both agencies took information for a report. 

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