Child Vanishes after Church

 Officers investigated multiple reports of missing kids in the area. 

A worried mom contacted officers at 10 p.m. to report her 12-year-old daughter missing. The girl was last seen around 8 pm at the intersection of 6th and Brown Streets getting out of a church van with another girl. Officials believe the girls ran away.  

Portsmouth Police issued images of the missing girls on social media, and police searched multiple locations hoping to find the girls. The two were eventually found safe.  

Around the same time, Lucasville parents reported that their son took off and that his girlfriend was on the way from Portsmouth to pick him up. Additionally, they told officers there was a TPO in place against the girl. 

Deputies searched local businesses for the boy and asked PPD to assist them. Portsmouth Officers checked the home of the girlfriend.  She told officers she had not seen him as there was a TPO in place against her.  She allowed officers to search the home, but the boy was not inside.  

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