Church Demo Debris Disrupts Traffic

Church Demo Debris Disrupts Traffic

Debris from the demolition of the church at Robinson and Grandview Avenue caused traffic tie-ups just after 9 am. 

Debris landed in the road and someone attempted to direct traffic away from the lane closest to the building. Officers spoke to someone at the construction company and they shut down work until they could properly deploy orange cones to block the street. 

Thieves Rip Off Central Church of Christ

Copper thieves hit the site of the Central Church of Christ on Grandview just before noon. The crooks stole copper and then left the scene headed south on Clay.

Officers followed up at an address on the Scioto Trail and located the vehicle observed at the scene of the crime. Police arranged to have the vehicle towed.

Thieves Hit Spartan Stadium Construction Site

Portsmouth Police received a report that someone stole tools and other equipment from the construction site near Spartan Stadium.

Police detained and questioned several people. They served one woman with a no-trespass order for the site and then headed to Campbell Avenue to follow up with another subject.

Officers searched the home and confirmed an open warrant for one man on the scene. They also checked out a 6th Street residence as part of the investigation. 

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