City Moves Forward with Plans to Buy 5th 3rd Bank Building

Sam Sutherland, the City Manager, asked the City Council to begin planning to move into the 5th 3rd Bank building.

Basically, the County Commissioners plan to purchase the building for $418,000. They will then sell it to the city as a lease-to-own option with no interest. During the lease period, all maintenance and repairs would be the responsibility of the city.

Sutherland spoke of moving the City Tax and Water Department offices from the Health Department building in order to provide them with more space.

There has been no detailed explanation regarding the courts and police departments. However, they made it clear that the Municipal Building would eventually be sold.

Some have expressed concerns about parking and access to the building.

No word yet on whether police cars will be parked in the bank’s limited lot. There have been no discussions on potential remodel costs or the location for parking and access for court-goers if the courts move to the building. Finally, no discussion has been held about how prisoners will be transported securely to and from the courts.

On Monday, the council authorized the City Manager to begin the process of working out details. In the course of the process, questions and concerns will be addressed.

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