Commissioner Cathy Coleman Affirms County is “Fiscally Sound”


Commissioner Cathy Coleman Affirms County is “Fiscally Sound”

During the regular session of the County Commissioners on Thursday, SCDN posed a simple yet challenging question to those present. What agenda item stands out as the most important to you today and why?

The goal was to get past the “talking points” and have the commissioners reflect and respond candidly.

Commissioner Cathy Coleman was particularly proud to mention that the county can still pay its bills, but they continue to monitor the budget closely.

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Said Coleman, “Well, the fact that we can pay our debts. If you follow along, you realize it’s an extraordinary amount of money. So I’m thankful that we are in a state where we are fiscally sound, at this point, and that we are able to pay and keep the county whole.”

It was discussed during the meeting that future endowments to local charitable organizations and monies spent on events might need to be reevaluated. The Commissioners cited inflation and rising costs within the county as the primary reasons for the review process. Today, however, all funding requests were approved.

Commissioner Bryan Davis answered his part of the question enthusiastically and confidently. He also noted the improved working relationship between the city and the county. His response highlighted the successful implementation of the paving program, which allows counties, cities, and townships to utilize collective purchase agreements for paving materials at the lowest cost possible.

“Our township trustees, all of them, have signed on to our paving program, which allows us to buy in larger bulk amounts that saves a lot of money so we can pave more miles. The city is part of that now as well. The first road that the city was part of the paving program was Chillicothe Street. If you drive down to Chillicothe Street right now, it’s, it’s pretty nice.”

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Davis continued, “They’re working on other streets to do the same thing. So there’s a lot of work being done. For those people that say that the city and the county never work together. Well, that’s not correct. We actually do work together a lot. I would say that has improved greatly just within the last couple of years.”

Commissioner Scottie Powell was not able to attend the meeting as he was basking in the sun at an undisclosed tropical location.

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