Commissioners Address River Days Complaints – Praise Volunteers  

Scioto County Commissioner Scottie Powell had some advice for those who weren’t happy with the way this year’s River Days celebration was handled and congratulated local volunteers for their efforts.  

Commissioners congratulated GLO (Growing Lucasville Opportunities) on the organization’s successful campaign to get an additional $100,000 grant on top of the $100,000 they already earned from the Kubota Hometown Proud Contest for Lucasville Community Park.  

“It just shows,” Commissioner Scottie Powell said, “If you see a need, get some friends together, show up and meet. It’s a bunch of community members and business leaders out there who just said ‘Hey, we want a park in Lucasville.” 

Powell said the area would soon have a park complete with an amphitheater, shelter house, and walking trail, and playground.  

“Congratulations to GLO. A great job taking care of your community,” Powell said.  

“It just shows you the spirit of this county and how everyone stands together,” Commissioner Cathy Coleman added.  

Powell also congratulated the many volunteers from River Days and Friends of Portsmouth who helped put on another successful event this year. “Great job over the weekend. The parade was awesome.” 

Powell acknowledged that some people complained the festivities weren’t on the river this year. “Keep in mind, the river runs by us 365 days a year. You can go enjoy it any day of the year.” 

The commissioner said the events on 4th Street were packed and that the concerts were crowded. “I don’t think people realize that it’s a volunteer group. It’s not the City of Portsmouth. It’s not the county. We contribute some to events, but it’s a volunteer-heavy group.” 

Powell said that those who would like to see changes in the festival next year should get on the Friends of Portsmouth website and sign up to volunteer.  

The commissioner also pointed out that local farms would soon be hosting tourists for the fall season. “If you say there’s nothing to do around here, you’re just not looking.” 

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