County Has Fourth COVID-19 Case


Scioto County has its fourth confirmed case of COVID-19. Really. Yesterday the Ohio Department of Health updated its Coronavirus website map to show Scioto County with 4 cases. But local officials contacted us and said that was a mistake.  

4th Positive Confirmed

According to a post by Scioto County Emergency Management Deputy Director Larry Mullins yesterday, the state had mistakenly counted a former Scioto County resident living in Columbus as a positive for our county.

Today, that map says 4 cases once again, but this time local officials confirm that there is a fourth positive case. We don’t know much about the person, only that it is a woman between the ages of 35 and 53.

So far, Scioto County had four positive cases. One man. Three women.  The County has received results from 376 tests. 374 of those tests were negative.

According to the Portsmouth City Health Department, “The health department’s infectious disease staff continue to follow established contact tracing guidelines and will contact anyone those individuals have been in close contact with.”

As we’ve told you before, there’s a shortage of necessary supplies to perform tests, even though Southern Ohio Medical Center has the ability to test on three different platforms.

There was no press conference from the Governor today but the Health Department did update their website wit the latest numbers.

COVID Numbers

Those numbers now include presumed positives. That means people who have had laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 but have been exposed to the virus and are exhibiting symptoms consistent with the virus.

For example, if three people in a nursing home were confirmed to have COVID-19 and others started to show symptoms, they would be presumed positives.

Ohio’s prisons have 47 confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Governor Mike DeWine said on Friday that he planned to begin aggressively testing inmates. So far only 261 have been tested.

The following facilities are under full quarantine:

There has been only one test performed in a youth facility. The results were negative. In Ohio’s state psychiatric facilities, only five tests have been performed. There is one presumptive positive but no confirmed cases.


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