COVID-19 Cases Jump to 29


After a long spell with little change in the number of COVID-19 cases, Scioto County’s count jumped once again.  The county recorded nine new cases since Monday. That brings the total number of Coronavirus cases to 29 for Scioto County.

Travelers Blamed For Spike

Local health officials have traced most of the new cases to residents traveling to places like Myrtle Beach and Daytona Beach, both of which are considered to be COVID-19 hotspots.  They also point out that many people failed to practice social distancing or wear masks while enjoying their vacation. They contract the virus and bring it home with them.

Seventeen high school students from Belmont County, Ohio tested positive for the virus after they returned from Myrtle Beach on June 13.

West Virginia’s Preston County Health Department tied 30 new cases of Coronavirus to trips to Myrtle Beach. The Virginia Department of Health requested that all travelers to Myrtle Beach voluntarily self-quarantine after returning home.

In addition, three employees of the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility have tested positive for the virus. Thirteen inmates are in quarantine and three more are waiting on results.

Increased Testing

The health departments also credit increased testing for bringing the number of new cases to lights. Portsmouth hosted a pop-up test site today at the Compass Community Health Center. Members of the Ohio National Guard offered free COVID-19 tests to anyone who wanted them.

According to the Scioto County Health Department, “The virus is still circulating and highly contagious. Health officials urge everyone to continue to practice social distancing, avoid large crowds, wear a mask in public, stay away from sick people, wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20-seconds, use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available, and clean frequently used surfaces with cleaning wipes.”

They also advised anyone at high risk for the virus, such as the elderly or those with preexisting medical conditions to continue to stay home and only leave the house when necessary.

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