Scioto County Commissioner Bryan Davis wants voters to give him the chance to finish the good work he’s started while serving on the board. Davis has been in office for eight years but says he doesn’t take it for granted that voters know what he’s accomplished.
The lifelong area resident says he’s seen a lot of things happen in Scioto County over the years and first ran for office in 2014 because he thought he could help. “I saw a lot of things that were needed. As a businessman, I had the skillset to really help.”
Davis Studied the Process
Davis says once he decided to run for office, he attended every commissioner meeting for a year to learn everything he could about how the process of government works. “I wanted to hit the ground running. I will tell you, that year taught me a lot, but it didn’t teach me everything.
The commissioner says there’s much more to the job than just showing up to meetings to cast your vote. Davis and his wife, Lori, were already leading a busy life with two grown daughters when he was elected. Then, his two young nephews joined the family when their mother was no longer able to care for them. “We took custody of the children and ended up adopting them.”
He credits the 31 years he spent in manufacturing and sales with giving him an understanding of what businesses need. “I was part of the Sole Choice company. We saved that company.” He feels the county has made significant progress in economic development over the past eight years. “The main thing is that I have a passion for the community. I have served this community for many years. I’m a church pastor, too.”
One of the Best in the World
Davis says he relishes the opportunity to give back to the community he loves. “We have a wonderful, beautiful community. One of the best in the world. I love living here.” He says meeting with voters and helping them with issues is a joy for him.
It’s no secret to anyone who watches Scioto County Commissioners’ meetings that Davis prides himself and his fellow commissioners for being fiscally responsible. “We’re very strong fiscally.”
He says the recent spending spree on recreational and tourism projects is funded by federal grant money and that commissioners have used it wisely. “We want generational projects. We want things our children’s children will be able to enjoy. We’re moving this community forward.” Davis is especially excited about plans for a handicapped-accessible playground near the Greenup Dam. “Children in wheelchairs will be able to use it. It’s a little more expensive, but we have a community that needs that.”
Davis also says broadband expansion is a priority in the county, though the process takes quite a bit of work. “But we’re getting it. We’ll get it done.”
Davis Confident He’ll Win
He’s also proud that the commissioners do their best to keep voters informed. “The voters want an open, honest, transparent government,” Davis said the commissioners provide that by live-streaming meetings on Facebook and posting them to YouTube afterwards. “We’re very open.”
Davis says he’s confident he’ll win the upcoming primary and general elections. “We’ll keep working hard for the people of Scioto County.”