Deadly Fentanyl Looks Like Sidewalk Chalk, Lego, Puzzle Pieces Found in Ohio

Deadly Fentanyl Sidewalk Chalk Ohio

Illustration by Mark Craycraft

Deadly Fentanyl Sidewalk Chalk in Ohio

Deadly fentanyl is taking the form of children’s playthings in Ohio. State officials issued an urgent warning to parents on Friday detailing the various forms of the deadly opioid that law enforcement officials have discovered in Ohio.  

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that’s 100 times stronger than morphine and can easily lead to overdose and death. 

Experts warn that in addition to coming in the form of powder, tablets, rocks, and black tar, the drug also takes the form of gum and several shapes that could appeal to children. 

The deadly Chalk fentanyl comes in bright colors and looks disturbingly close to sidewalk chalk. Law enforcement has also discovered it molded into the shape of Lego blocks, puzzle pieces, sprinkles, pellets, and popcorn. 

Officials say that anyone who’s in the vicinity of drug activity must be extra cautious because with the variety of colors, shapes, and packaging, you may not be able to recognize that what you’re dealing with is fentanyl.  

“There is no quality control in the illicit drug trade, and drug trafficking cartels are constantly changing the look and composition of the drugs they’re pushing,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “Fentanyl in any form is dangerous even in extremely small amounts, so it’s important that citizens are aware of the various forms of fentanyl we’ve seen in Ohio, as well as the forms that could be coming.” 

If you live in an area with frequent drug activity, experts suggest keeping Nalaxone on hand to immediately counteract the effects of a Fentanyl overdose.  

Deadly Fentanyl Sidewalk Chalk Ohio
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