Dog Shot During Police Chase 

Dog Shot During Police Chase

Portsmouth Police provided backup to New Boston Officers during a police chase late Tuesday evening. At 11:40 pm, they were advised the NBPD was involved in a foot chase with a suspect and had shot a dog during the pursuit. 

While New Boston Police handled the incident, Portsmouth Officers stood by until the situation calmed down.  

Man Tasered After Running From Cops 

An attempt to run from Portsmouth Police did not end well for a Portsmouth bicyclist. Just after 7 pm, officers responded to a report of a suspicious person on a bicycle near Pauline Avenue. When the suspect saw offiers, he took off south on Coles Blvd. and ditched his bike on Kenroe.  

Officers tracked the guy as he ran south running between yards in the area. The guy went into a house on 29th Street and an officer deployed a taser in order to take the man into custody. 

Officers found a mask in the backyard of one home in the 1100 block of Coles and a bag full of clothes in another. They also located a jacket just down the street and a red backpack in the side yard of a home on Ruhlman. Additionally, they found a baggie in the backyard of the 29th Street home the man entered. 

Officers photographed the evidence and took the suspect to the hospital to make sure he was okay. They then took the suspect to the station for booking.

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