Facebook Sparks Teen Feud on Robinson Avenue

Facebook drama spilled over into real life and a vandal cut the waterline to a Lincoln Street Home. We break down the Portsmouth Police Chief’s Daily Briefing. 

Family Feuds 

Suspicious Activity

Breaking and Entering

A man contacted police at 10 am to report someone broke in and stole items from two vacant homes he was renovating on 7th Street.

Police said he has work permits for the two condemned homes. It appeared someone took the boards from the homes and got inside. Police took information for a report.

Waterlines Cut To Lincoln Street Home

Just before 11 am, police responded to a report that someone cut the waterlines to a Lincoln Street Home.

Police detained and arrested a man with open warrants in Pike and Scioto Counties.

Facebook Drama on Robinson Avenue

A Facebook feud spilled over into real life on Robinson Avenue at 2 pm. A caller reported several juveniles were at an apartment to fight her and her friend. 

Police observed kids running away from the home. The callers said the incident stemmed from a Facebook incident. The girls said they were going to stay with their papaw for the night. 

Troubled Tween

A Wayne Avenue mom contacted police to report her 12-year-old daughter left home without permission. 

Police caught up with the child on 17th Street and took her back home to her mother. 

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