Homeless Man Beaten and Robbed at Salvation Army

Homeless Man Beaten and Robbed at Salvation Army

A homeless man reported a vicious attack in front of the Salvation Army. 

The man contacted police at 9:30 pm to report he was sitting in front of the Salvation Army on 11th Street when a black 4-door car pulled up.

He said several people got out of the vehicle, beat him up, and stole his phone. The car took off south on Offnere. 

An officer took information for a report and transported the man to a homeless shelter.

Sidewalk Sleeper Draws Attention on 11th Street

Just after 8 am on Saturday, a caller reported a man lying covered up on the sidewalk at 11th and Gay Streets.

An officer spoke to the man and explained that he could not lie on the sidewalk and block pedestrian traffic. The man gathered together his trash and left the scene.

Suspicious Activity on Selma Avenue

Just before 1 am, a Selma Avenue neighbor reported he saw a man in a white t-shirt taking items from a vacant home.

Officers found a man taking items from the yard when they arrived on the scene. When PPD spoke to the property owner, he said some former tenants had left a bunch of trash at the house, but he did not give anyone permission to be on his property.

Officers advised the man helping himself to the trash not to come onto the property without the owner’s permission. 

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