How to Stay Active Indoors

How to Stay Active Indoors

How to Stay Active Indoors

Winter can be a rough time for those of us who like to stay active.

So what are we supposed to do? I’ve compiled a list of 5 of my favorite ways to stay active during the winter months.



-adjustable to personal skill/fitness level
-accomplishes several different goals
– core strength
– upper and lower body
-lots of different online stuff
-goes hand in hand with bodyweight exercises i.e. push-ups, sit-ups, planks, etc.


-Might feel a bit silly, but is great cardio and for lower legs
-For an extra challenge, use weights
– potential replacement weights can be soup cans, shampoo/conditioner bottles


-Just throw on some music and have a good time, you’d be surprised how breathless this can get you
-Find an online move/routine you want to master and stick with it


-Great for a full-body workout, helps build coordination



-Kind of two birds with one stone situation, you have to sweep and mop might as well make it a work out
-Scrubbing the floors isn’t a ton of fun, but if you put your whole body into it you can get a really good work out while also getting some stuff done off of your chores list

Hope this was helpful! I wish you all the best of luck in your quest to stay warm and healthy this winter!

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