Indiana Will Pay You to Move There

Indiana Will Pay You to Move There

Indiana is just one of a growing number of states in the Midwest where communities are offering people incentives to move there.

These incentives are aimed at the growing number of remote workers who can live wherever they choose. The Midwest’s lower cost of living and lower crime rates are increasingly attractive to people living in big cities where the median house price is close to a million bucks and a small apartment can run $5000 a month.

Indiana Incentives

Let’s check out some of the options in the Hoosier State. 

Bloomington, Indiana will pony up $6,600 to full-time remote workers or the self-employed who move to the community from out-of-state.

French Lick will pay veterans between 18 and 45 $5,000 in cash and a prize package including tubing tickets, a lifetime membership in a grocery cooperative, and an annual Indiana Parks Pass if they stay in the area for at least two years.

Greensburg, Indiana offers a $5000 cash bonus and $2000 in gifts to remote workers or the self-employed who move there from outside the city.

Jasper will pay $5,000 to remote workers between the ages of 25-40  who move there from out of the state. 

West Lafayette will pay remote workers who move from outside of the state $5,000.

Mountain State Money

While these offers sound generous, they pale in comparison to West Virginia. Morgantown, West Virginia. The college town is offering $20,000 to remote workers who relocate to the area and buy a home. To qualify workers must work remotely for a company located outside of West Virginia. Lewisburg, West Virginia makes the same offer. Charleston will pay you $5,000 to move there. 

As remote work grows in popularity, Midwest states have a chance to gain back some of the population they’ve lost to big cities over the last few decades and they’re ready to pay to bring back a growing tax base. 

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