Madison Bell Found Alive

Madison Bell

Madison Bell was found alive. There are still many unanswered questions.  In her own words, she “wanted to start a new life”, according to a statement made to detectives. The parents of Madison Bell were notified by the FBI after they had direct communications with her.

There are no plans to pursue legal action against Madison Bell. Many people have very strong opinions about this aspect of the case that is no more. What teenager leaves their car and phone behind? Certainly, she would have known that would trigger fear within her family and loved ones.

According to all reports, there were none of the typical “precursors” that would point them to conclude reckless decision making.

2,000 Meals

Volunteers had prepared 2,000 meals for a large scale search scheduled for today. It is unknown how those meals will be donated or re-directed.

Photo Source: The Guardian

Still Many questions

As we stated in our Live Stream update, every answer leads to 20 more questions. Now that Madison Bell was found alive, the avalanche of questions (especially by family members) continues.

We will update this story as details become available.

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