Man Causes Commotion at Kroger – Woman Twirls in Road


Just after 8 am, a caller reported a man at the Starbucks in Kroger acting very strangely. They said the man was yelling at himself. Police spoke to the man and determined he had mental issues. They requested he leave the area.

Just before 4:30, witnesses reported a woman attempting to jump into traffic at 15th and Chillicothe Street. Officers sent for an ambulance, and it transported the woman to the hospital. 

Half an hour later, callers reported a woman who appeared to be on drugs bothering employees of a Gallia Street business. Officers advised her to leave the property.

Just before 6 am, a caller from the Speedway on Gallia complained about a blonde woman walking back and forth in their parking lot while talking to herself. They requested the police remove the woman. 

Two hours later, officers headed to Gallia and Young Street to investigate reports of a woman twirling in the road. 

Man Strips Down For Bath at Kroger

Just after 3:30 pm, PPD responded to Kroger for a report of a man making himself very much at home in the restroom.

Witnesses said he stripped off his clothes to take a bath in the sink. 

By the time officers arrived, he had left the store and headed to Tracy Park. Police were unable to locate him.

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