Man Flees Rehab Center – Approach with Caution 

scioto county rehabs in the news

Man Flees Rehab Center – Approach with Caution 

A Franklin Furnace rehab center contacted officers just before noon to report a man had fled the center on foot and was headed toward the gas station. They advised officers to approach with caution and raised concerned he might cause problems in the community at large. 

Later a caller reported they might have spotted the man lying with his head on the ground near the Pepsi Plant. Officers reported they had experienced past run-ins with the man, who has severe mental health issues. 

A rescue squad transported him to the hospital for treatment. 

Man Overdoses in Lucasville 

EMS responded to a report of a man overdosing in Lucasville just after 9 pm. The caller said he was unresponsive but still breathing.  

The man’s wife also requested a deputy come to the scene, but the ambulance crew said they didn’t need an officer.  

Medics transported the man to the hospital for treatment. 

Passed Out on 27th Street  

A caller reported a suspicious vehicle with someone passed out inside on 27th Street at 7 pm. When an officer arrived on the scene, it turned out there were two people passed out in the vehicle.  

Officers took a woman into custody for disorderly conduct and arranged to have the vehicle towed. Police had arrested the same woman less than two weeks ago for possessing drug abuse instruments and criminal tools.  


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