Man Runs From Police, Tosses Weapon – Doesn’t Get Far

A Portsmouth man with a history of arrests on drug charges tried to run from the police and get rid of a weapon, but he didn’t get very far. 

It all started around 9 pm when a woman said a man with long dreads pushed a woman holding a baby down at a Waller Street Apartment. 

Police caught up with Narion Willis a few minutes later, but he took off running in the direction of 13th Street. According to the report, he ran into Farley Square where he dropped a weapon, and then headed north, but he didn’t get far.

Police had him in custody by 9:10. He was taken into custody and charged with obstructing official business, having weapons under a disability, and tampering with evidence. 

He was arrested three times last year on charges ranging from drug trafficking to drug possession to probation violation. 

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