Man Tasered after Vinton Street Brawl

Man Tasered after Vinton Street Brawl

Officers responded to a report of a man and woman fighting in the yard of a Vinton Avenue home just before 9 am on Sunday. 

When officers arrived on the scene, the man put up a fight and police were forced to deploy a stun gun. Officers learned the man had open warrants, but the jail refused to accept him until he was checked over by medical professionals.

Officers accompanied him to the urgent care while he received treatment and then took him to the Scioto County Jail, where he was booked on charges of resisting arrest, assaulting a law enforcement officer, drug paraphernalia, and driving with an expired license. 

Stranger Spotted Lurking in Backyard

Worried 3rd Street residents contact police after they spotted a strange man lurking in their backyard. Police caught up with the man at 4th and Waller. 

He explained he was trying to get money for a friend but had gone to the wrong house. He said he realized he was at the wrong home after he knocked on the door, and left the scene. 

Officers advised him to stay out of people’s backyards. 

Pit Bull Attack Reported on Valley Street

A Valley Street man complained to police that a neighbor’s pit bull attempted to attack him. The neighbor also wanted to speak with officers because he was having a hard time controlling the dog. 

Officers spoke with both parties and discovered that no one had been injured. They contacted Animal Control, and an officer said they would come to speak to the owner.

Shots Fired in Farley Square

Officers responded to a report of shots fired in Farley Square at 2:30 am. Witnesses said someone inside a small dark-colored car fired nine shots on Waller before the vehicle turned onto 17th

Investigators spoke to another resident who gave the same description and began to search the area for casings. Police observed no damage from the incident and were unable to locate the suspects. 

Officers Come To Aid of Intoxicated Woman

A PPD officer provided a safe ride home to an intoxicated woman early Sunday morning. Just before 4 am, a caller reported an intoxicated woman yelling at someone at a 17th Street address.

When an officer arrived on the scene, they learned the woman was attempting to find a ride home to her mom’s. Police spoke to the mom who said the daughter was welcome at her home. 

Officers gave the woman a ride to New Boston and made sure she got inside safely. 


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