Medicaid Fraud Indictments Expected to be Released

health fraud

Sources tell SCDN that there’s a major indictment for Medicaid fraud involving local rehab facilities that’s expected to be announced shortly.

We’re told this is a result of an extensive state investigation and could have major ramifications for our area.

We’re working on getting more details from state and local officials and will update you as soon as we have them in hand.

Rehab facilities, many of which depend on Medicaid funding to treat patients, have been a hotbed of controversy in our area. Some consider it a  necessity to treat the fallout of the opioid epidemic and say that Portsmouth should embrace even more rehab facilities and become a center for treatment.  

Others say poorly managed facilities ship in out-of-town patients and then turn them out on the streets when funding runs out, leading to a spike in the Portsmouth homeless population and increased crime.

Don’t overlook the increased demand for housing. The costs of buying a home or renting an apartment have risen to nearly unattainable prices.

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