Mom Takes Toddler Along to Rob Gas Station

At 9:41 PM on October 30th, a white female suspect wearing a red shirt entered the Marathon Gas Station located at 2927 Co Rd 144, South Point, OH. While at the counter, the suspect grabbed the cash register. Despite the Store Clerk’s attempts to prevent this, the suspect began striking his hands. The thief forced the register open and removed an undetermined amount of cash before fleeing the store.

The bystander watched the suspect get into a gray/silver Dodge Van and leave the scene from a nearby parking lot. The witness followed the suspect van for a short distance but lost it on a side street. An extensive search of the area was conducted after he provided the Sheriff’s Office with a direction of travel. 

Later that night, the suspect van was found behind Now Service Pro, located at 10880 CR 1 Chesapeake, Ohio. Brittney Watkins, 32, of 10542 CR1, was located inside the van with her 3-year-old child, according to deputies.

After being arrested on suspicion of Robbery, a Felony of the 2nd Degree, Watkins was transported to the Lawrence County Jail and lodged there.

Lawrence County Children’s Services took custody of the child. The investigation could result in additional charges (including Child Endangerment).

Neither the clerk nor any other customers were reported to be injured during the robbery.

“The help from the witnesses is greatly appreciated,” states Sheriff Jeff Lawless. “Law enforcement always needs eyewitness testimony, but please remember not to put yourself in danger to do so.”

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