Most Valuable Auto Parts To Scrap

Most Valuable Auto Parts To Scrap

Most Valuable Auto Parts To Scrap

You’ve found yourself with a junked vehicle. Whether your car has reached the end of its lifespan and you don’t know what to do with it, or you’ve purchased a salvaged vehicle and want to make the most money you can off of it, scraping it for parts is a great option. In many cases, selling the individual parts of a junk vehicle is more lucrative than just selling the car as a whole. It just requires a bit more work and an understanding of what the parts of your car are worth. To determine if it is more advantageous to part out your vehicle, check to see if it still has any of these most valuable auto parts to scrap in good working order.

The Engine

While disconnecting a car engine from the vehicle isn’t the easiest process, your hard work could pay off substantially. Because a brand-new engine is one of the most expensive replacement parts you can buy for a car, many auto owners may look to the secondhand market to find a better deal.

If your engine is still in working condition, someone will likely be happy to take it off your hands to the tune of around $500 or more, depending on its mileage. That’s a significant chunk of change for you, but it’s much less than they would’ve had to pay for a brand-new part. It’s a win-win.


If you’ve never had to deploy your car’s airbags, you’re in luck. Since new airbags can cost over a thousand dollars, there is a large market for secondhand airbags. Depending on what kind of airbags your car uses, you could end up making up to $200 off them.

Catalytic Converters

The catalytic converters in your junk vehicle are also extremely valuable. As evidence of their value, catalytic converters are one of the most frequently stolen vehicle parts. The reason that catalytic converters are so in demand isn’t for their functionality but for the precious metals they contain.

Catalytic converters contain several valuable materials, such as platinum, rhodium, and palladium, which will often sell for around $100 or more. If your car came off the line after 1975, it likely has one of these valuable components that you can scrap for money.


Another one of the most valuable auto parts to scrap is a GPS. Such systems are a luxury for auto owners and provide added convenience and safety while on the road. As such, if your vehicle contains a GPS, you will likely be able to sell it for the high price of a few hundred dollars.

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