A woman contacted police at 11 pm on Sunday to report that a naked man was chasing her around with a knife.
Officers arrested 69-year-old Anthony Burton for making a domestic threat. He was released shortly after per the court.
This was his 4th arrest. However, it was his first arrest since 1996.
Another domestic incident happened just after 2 am. A woman contacted police to report her boyfriend punched her in the nose.
Police took him into custody for domestic violence.
Citizens Pitch In After Crash on Slocum Road
Portsmouth Police Officers thanked the helpful citizens who came to the aid of the victims of an accident at Slocum Road and Harding Avenue on Saturday afternoon.
Just before 2 pm, officers and EMS personnel responded to a report of an entrapment accident. Police made a special note in their log to thank citizens who helped control traffic and looked after those involved in the crash.