Neighbors Fight Off Attacking Pit Bulls with Rakes 

Neighbors Fight Off Attacking Pit Bulls with Rakes 

West Portsmouth neighbors were forced to take up garden tools to fend off attacking pit bulls just after 4 pm.  

Witnesses said two pit bulls were running loose in the neighborhood and attacking other people’s animals. Neighbors resorted to grabbing rakes to beat the vicious dogs off their own pets. Witnesses said they did not know who owned the dogs. By the time officers responded to the area, the animals had left.  

There was another pit bull attack at 7 pm, this time on Shela Blvd. A man told officers his neighbor’s dog got loosed and tried to bite him while he was mowing the grass. He said the dog charged him and attempted to bite both him and his lawnmower.  

The victim said this was an ongoing problem with a neighbor who allowed their dogs to run loose.  

An officer attempted to speak to the dog’s owner but no one would come to the door when deputies knocked. Deputies said they would contact the Dog Warden.  

At 6:20 pm, a West Portsmouth caller reported that her neighbor’s pit bull was sitting on her porch. She said the loose dog was an ongoing problem. As the dog was not aggressive, officers suggested she call the Dog Warden to complain about the issue.  

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