Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued new rules and regulations for contact sports. Among them, masks for everyone and no more high-fives. Contact sports were permitted to begin full practice again On Monday, June 21.
While contacts sports like football, basketball, lacrosse, and hockey are allowed to hold intra-club/team scrimmages, they are not permitted to play other teams. The state also recommends practices and open gyms to be limited to only team members.
Here’s a breakdown of all the new rules:
Governor DeWine wants everyone involved to wear a mask all the time. However, it’s only required for certain people.
- Athletic trainers must wear a face mask, preferably a medical-grade one, when attending to players.
- It is strongly suggested that officials, trainers, and coaches wear masks all the time.
- Players should wear masks when they are not on the field.
- Spectators should wear masks at all times.
No Huddles or High-Fives
Six feet of social distance must be maintained between everyone that’s not on the field of play. Physical contact is permitted between players during the game but all other forms of contact are banned including:
- Handshakes
- Greetings
- Team Huddles
- High-fives
The state suggests that parents be assigned to make sure little kids are maintaining social distance. Teams should also take extra precautions for players with asthma, diabetes, or other chronic conditions that make them vulnerable to COVID-19.
Spectators at events must maintain six feet of social distance between them.
Limit Travel
Players should travel as little as possible. Team members should not carpool to practice. Players should only ride with their own family members. The state also suggested players be kept in small groups that only interact with each other.
The state also strongly warns against any travel leagues. “Traveling outside the local community may increase the chances of exposing players, coaches, and fans to COVID-19, or unknowingly spreading it to others.”
Daily symptom assessment is required. Officials, trainers, coaches, and players must be checked every day. Anyone with symptoms is required to stay home.
Spectators should also be assessed for symptoms and stay home if they are experiencing any.
Practice facilities must sanitize between practices. They should also post signs stating proper social distance and hygiene procedures plus provide hand sanitizer stations.