Officers Search for Missing 4-year-old

Portsmouth Police Officers came to the aid of New Boston Police to search for a missing 4-year-old girl.

The little went missing from Rhodes Avenue. She was described as having brownish-blond hair, blue eyes, and wearing a neon sundress.

Panicked family members shared the girl’s picture on social media, and Portsmouth Police Officers searched the home.

Fortunately, they discovered the child wasn’t missing after all. Police located her inside the home.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered on Gallia Street

An eagle-eyed Portsmouth Police Officer spotted a stolen vehicle parked in the lot behind Kirby’s Flower Shop on Gallia Street. 

The was no one inside. Police attempted to contact the owner but didn’t have any luck. They inventoried the items in the car and arranged to have it towed to the impound lot for safekeeping until they could return it to the owner.

Strange Behavior at the Super Quick

Around 5 am, Scioto County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the Super Quick on Galena Pike for a report of a man behaving strangely.

The confused older man had been there for four hours and kept trying to fight hallucinations. The man told a deputy he was waiting for a ride. The deputy advised him to leave the premises.

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