Ohio Marijuana Dispensaries: Key Locations They Must Avoid

Ohio Marijuana Dispensaries

Ohio marijuana dispensaries have become a significant topic of interest for patients, healthcare providers, and lawmakers alike. The state’s evolving weed laws in Ohio have opened up new possibilities for those seeking alternative treatments for various medical conditions. However, the implementation of these laws comes with specific regulations and restrictions that dispensaries must follow to operate legally and responsibly.

One crucial aspect of these regulations involves the location of Ohio marijuana dispensaries. The state has put in place strict guidelines to ensure these facilities are situated in appropriate areas. Here are the key locations that dispensaries must avoid, focusing on distance requirements from restricted facilities and proximity restrictions to opioid treatment programs. Understanding these regulations is essential for dispensary owners, local authorities, and patients to navigate the Ohio marijuana landscape effectively.

Distance Requirements from Restricted Facilities

Ohio’s marijuana laws establish strict guidelines for the location of dispensaries and other cannabis-related facilities. These regulations aim to keep such establishments away from certain restricted areas. The state mandates that no boundary of a parcel of real estate with a proposed dispensary can be situated within 500 feet of specific restricted facilities.


Schools are among the primary restricted facilities. This category includes childcare centers, preschools, and both public and nonpublic primary and secondary schools. The 500-foot rule applies to all these educational institutions to maintain a safe distance between cannabis facilities and places where children gather.


Places of worship also fall under the restricted facilities category. The law requires cannabis-related businesses to maintain the same 500-foot distance from churches, ensuring a buffer between these establishments and religious institutions.

Public Libraries

Public libraries, as defined under Chapter 3375 of the Revised Code, are also protected by the 500-foot rule. This measure helps to preserve the educational and community-oriented nature of these spaces.

Public Playgrounds

While comprehensive data on public playgrounds is limited, they are included in the list of restricted facilities. Cannabis businesses must maintain the required distance from these recreational areas designed for children.

Public Parks

Public parks established by the state or political subdivisions such as counties, townships, municipal corporations, or park districts, are also subject to the 500-foot rule. This includes state parks and numerous other locations considered parks throughout Ohio.

The distance between a cannabis facility and a restricted facility is measured linearly, using the shortest distance between the closest points of their respective property lines. If a proposed expansion or relocation of a licensed medical marijuana entity would result in it being located within 500 feet or less from a restricted facility, the department will deny the request.

Opioid Treatment Program Proximity Restrictions

Definition of Opioid Treatment Programs

Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) are facilities that provide medication-assisted treatment for individuals struggling with opioid addiction. These programs play a crucial role in addressing the opioid crisis by offering a combination of medication and behavioral therapy to help patients recover from opioid use disorder.

500-Foot Buffer Zone

Ohio’s medical marijuana regulations establish a 500-foot buffer zone between cannabis-related businesses and certain restricted facilities. This buffer zone extends to opioid treatment programs as well. According to section 3796.30 of the Revised Code, no boundary of a parcel of real estate with a proposed dispensary can be situated within 500 feet of the boundaries of a parcel containing an opioid treatment program.

This restriction aims to maintain a safe distance between cannabis dispensaries and facilities providing treatment for opioid addiction. The buffer zone helps to minimize potential conflicts and ensures that both types of facilities can operate without interfering with each other’s services.

Measurement Guidelines

Specific measurement guidelines are in place to determine compliance with the 500-foot buffer zone requirement. The distance is measured using the shortest distance between the closest points of the external boundaries of the parcels in question. This approach ensures a consistent and fair application of the buffer zone rule.

Dispensary applicants must provide a professionally prepared survey of the area surrounding the prospective dispensary. This survey should establish that the facility is at least 500 feet from the boundaries of a parcel containing an opioid treatment program, as defined in rule 4729:5-21-01 of the Administrative Code. This requirement helps to verify compliance with the proximity restrictions and ensures that dispensaries are located in appropriate areas.

To sum up, understanding these location restrictions is crucial for dispensaries, local authorities, and patients to navigate Ohio marijuana scene effectively. The careful implementation of these rules plays a key role in shaping the growth and acceptance of the cannabis industry in Ohio. As the industry continues to evolve, these guidelines will likely remain a cornerstone in regulating the distribution of marijuana across the state.

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