Part 2: New Boston Whistleblower

Letter to the Editor

New Boston Whistleblower: Part 1

Part 2: New Boston Whistleblower

A subpoena issued and served to New Boston Police Department named only the Captain and Lieutenant, leaving the question, was Scioto County Sheriffs Office provided all the facts to do a proper investigation or given false testimony because the facts did not warrant any investigation at all? Did the Village mislead the Sheriff’s Office into doing an investigation over their own personal vendettas, or clean up their own messes? With three written complaints of misconduct by Chief Goins, and the possibility of a civil suit, did the Village seek to discredit and criminally charge these officers so they did not have to pay out in civil damages? Or is the village concerned about what the complaints could bring to light that might have the Village under criminal investigation? While serving the subpoena, the deputy and investigator from the prosecutor’s office, were unaware the Captin was not on the scene, they were also unaware another patrolman was.

They requested information on a subpoena for the Captin’s body camera footage, something he could only provide if he had been on the scene. Likewise, they did not ask for anything from the Patrolmen that was on scenes

Public record request has shown corruption among some current council members conducting council business outside the limits of the council or their duties. Discussing council-related matters that should only be discussed in Council meetings, (which are open to the public and recorded) and deciding to go to closed meetings before a meeting has started or a vote has taken place. Personal vendettas against the two officers have been discussed by one Council member in particular.

Other public record requests shows Cheif Goings “covering up an incident where a firefighter overdosed on heroin in his personal vehicle while still in uniform”. (Public records available on request). The firefighter was NEVER CHARGED but later resigned. Cheif Goins has repeatedly refused to charge offenses at his discretion, but requires an investigation into the incident where charges were filed? The same charges he has chosen to disregard countless times in recent months/years.

Recently the county corner, Doctor Adam’s Office, requested New Boston Fire Department’s assistants, which they refused, despite being required to do, which Cheif Goings refused to investigate or reprimand.

New Boston has placed the two Officers and Cheif Goings under administrative leave. The Village stated they would be hiring two independent investigators. One to do internal investigations on the Captain and Lieutenant regarding the OVI/ Crash investigation, while the other would be investigating the complaints against Cheif Goins. To date, the Village has hired an investigator for the two officers, and a law firm that has represented the Village from previous complaints in the past (including a sexual harassment case that was settled out of court). No investigator for Cheif Goins has yet been hired unless the Village intends to use their own law firm for protecting the Village as Cheif Goins “independent investigator”.

Cheif Goins has quietly been placed on administrative leave, he seems to have some powerful friends keeping his situation from being properly investigated or reported, while two officers have been smeared across local media, perhaps to hide the bigger corruption. New Boston taxpayers should be outraged at their local Village Officials. While the Village struggles to man the Police Department, taxpayers are funding witch hunts of good officers and paying for law firms to cover up dirty Cheif’s to get away with sexual harassment and applying the law in his favor. It’s no wonder the New Boston Police Department has had such a high rate of officers leaving.

Update: Today the criminal investigation into the Captin and Lieutenant was closed, with the prosecutor declining to prosecute due to no criminal offenses on behalf of the officers. Unfortunately, they both will still be subjected to an internal investigation. It’s been over a month since they were placed on administrative leave. The remaining officers have been bearing a 24/7 job. Some working weeks at a time (12+hour shifts).

It’s frustrating to have a Captain with 20 years of experience and a Lieutenant with 30 years of experience on the bench. It’s sad for the residents of New Boston. This is a waste of experience and good officers. With any luck, they will be cleared and back before all the other officers burn out from exhaustion.
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