Pay Up or Lose Your Home!

Scioto County adds deputies

Pay Up or Lose Your Home!

Scioto County Commissioner Scottie Powell has a question: “What could local school districts, children services, and DD board do with their share of almost $14 Million Dollars in delinquent property taxes? The oldest dating back to 1989.”

Commissioners are tired of waiting for that mountain of unpaid taxes. Commissioner Bryan Davis said taxes are owed on properties ranging from homes to vacant commercial properties to businesses that are still operating. 

Davis said the Commissioners are considering selling off those properties to pay the taxes. “While our Treasurer’s Office and Prosecutor’s Office work every year to collect delinquent taxes, we are treading water and the balance of uncollected taxes is not improving.”

Not Fair To Skip Paying

He outlined how the sales would work in a social media post. 

Taxes that are not paid by June would be advertised as delinquent in November and if the owner doesn’t pay up, the county has the right to sell the tax lien.  To stop the sale you must pay the taxes or work out some type of payment plan.

The person who buys your tax lien can then use it to foreclose on your property. According to Davis, many other agencies use lien sales. 

The Commissioner says it’s just not right to skip paying your taxes. “It isn’t fair that MOST pay but many don’t, and in many cases have the means to do so. Why is it fair for you to pay, but not your neighbor down the street or the business operating for profit and is delinquent on their taxes to not pay? Is it fair that many fund our schools and agencies, but some don’t but still enjoy the benefit of having them.”

Davis said commissioners want to hear from citizens on this issue.  “Don’t attack other people, just if you support or don’t support such an action. “

100 Delinquent Taxpayers 3

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