Pit Bull Attacks Postal Worker on Woods Ridge Road

Pit Bull Attacks Postal Worker on Woods Ridge Road

A pit bull bit a postal worker on Woods Ridge Road. The injured worker requested a deputy and EMS.

However, when officers arrived on the scene, they were unable to get out of their vehicles because of two aggressive pit bulls. 

Deputies sent for the Dog Warden and managed to get the dogs out of the way so the squad could treat the injured postal worker. 

Deputies spoke to the dogs’ owners and said they would follow up with the dog warden later.

Phone Outage Causes Problem For Portsmouth Ambulance

We told you yesterday about county dispatch having an issue contacting Portsmouth Ambulance and now we know why.

It looks as if their phone lines went out sometime on Tuesday morning.

Chickens Run Wild on Smith Perry Road

We’ve told you several times before about loose cows causing a commotion around Scioto County, this time, it was a wandering flock of chickens that prompted a call to the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office

Just before 9 am, a caller reported her neighbor’s chickens were once again on her property on Smith Perry Road.

A deputy headed to the area and spoke with the birds’ owner. The deputy gave the owners until Friday to round up the chickens and get them in a properly enclosed area. 

The officer warned that if the SCSO receives another complaint, they will issue a citation for having animals at large.

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