Pit Bull Kills Cat – Cat Owner Swears Revenge

Pit Bull Kills Cat – Cat Owner Swears Revenge

A grieving cat owner threatened to go after the pit bull that killed her kitty on Sunday afternoon. 

Just after 2 pm, officers received a report that a pit bull had just killed a cat on 6th Street. The cat’s owner was heard screaming that she would kill the dog. Police spoke to the dog warden, who said they would come out to the scene on Monday to follow up. 

Scioto County Deputies also dealt with a report of a dog attack. A caller said a dog came onto her property and attempted to attack her pet rabbit. 

When deputies went to speak with the owners, they refused to talk to the deputy and then claimed the dogs did not belong to them. 

However, a deputy managed to find the dogs from the earlier incident on Galena Pike an hour or so later. The deputy released the dogs to their owners.

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