Police Raid Afroman’s Adams County Home

First, who knew the legendary and infamous Afroman lives in Adams County?

Local cops raided rapper Afroman’s Ohio house in search of illegal drugs and guns. According to Afroman, the police allegedly broke his front door down, with their guns drawn during the weekend.

Afroman was in Chicago when the raid took place but learned of the incident from his neighbor. According to TMZ, the police now want the rapper to visit the station and make a statement. 

The rapper explained to TMZ that the police ultimately found nothing except traces of hemp and a vape pen. He is not sure why he was the subject of the investigation but believes that his advocacy work for the legalization of cannabis may have something to do with it. 

This isn’t the first time the ‘Because I Got High’ rapper has been at odds with Ohio police. Afroman was reportedly threatened with arrest for checking up ‘too frequently’ on a burglary report he filed with the police when his home was vandalized. 

The rapper shared the aftermath of the raid on his Instagram page with footage of cops combing through his clothes, bed linen, and belongings. Some officers even appeared to make small talk with local residents. 

Reports indicate that Afroman may be looking to hire Ben Crump, a civil rights attorney who represented high-profile victims of police violence including the families of George Floyd and Breonna Tailor. 

Afroman raised many concerns about the behavior of the officers during the raid and called it a ‘witch hunt’. 

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