Portsmouth Earns $260K From Vehicle Impounds

Portsmouth Earns $260K From Vehicle Impounds

The Portsmouth Police Department took in over $300,000 from vehicle impound fees in 2021. Those numbers come from a report released by the City Manager’s office. 

According to the report, the impound lot collected $327,995.30.  Expenses for the impound lot were $68,871.61. That means the net revenue for the impound lot was $259,123.69.

Parking Crackdown

We’ve reported multiple times during the year about PPD’s ramped-up efforts to crack down on parking violations, including increased efforts to police illegal parking in handicapped spots and on the grass in PMHA properties. 

Some citizens have not responded well to the efforts. Back in May, a Logan Street man was upset that police refused to tow a vehicle that was parked 2 feet away from the curb.

He was angry because his vehicle was towed earlier for not having tags and officers were not inclined to tow the other vehicle for the parking violation. He claimed that his tags were stolen.

Police wrote a parking citation for the vehicle but the man was still angry it was not towed. He told officers he planned to file a complaint.

Police Answered 22,235 Calls

All in all, police issued 761 parking citations and 1,382 moving violations in 2021. That’s out of a total of 22,235 calls answered by Portsmouth officers. 

City Services Net $300K

In other City Services news, Portsmouth collected City 814.38 tons of trash from residents and another 471.75 tons of trash from other places. The total public service revenue for trash pickup in 2021 was $302,429.02.

December was a busy month for water department. They tackled the following repairs:

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