PPD Issues Urgent Warning to Citizens 

ppd doors

The Portsmouth Police Department issued an urgent warning to citizens in the wake of the epidemic of vehicle break-ins that has hit the city in the past few weeks.  In most cases, crooks have made off with change, wallets, and electronics, but in some cases what they take could have deadly implications. 

Police said there have been two handguns stolen from vehicles in the past week. According to a statement from PPD, “If you are going to carry a weapon, carry responsibly and do not leave it in your vehicle overnight, especially when you do not lock your doors on your vehicle. “ 

PPD warns that these thieves are on the lookout for every opportunity to steal. “When they find one open, they go through the vehicle and take whatever is not nailed down. Please do not leave anything of value in your vehicle.” 

Safety experts say that in addition to never leaving anything of value in a vehicle, you should always lock it and activate your alarm if you have one. Parking close to your home in a well-lit area is also suggested.  

Adding motion-activated security lighting or video cameras can also be a deterrent, if you can afford to make the upgrade. Neighbors should be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to police. From reading the police logs, SCDN can confirm that PPD does check out all reports of suspicious activity.  

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