PPD – Pit Bull Gone Crazy

pit bull

A pit bull went crazy, killing a cat and cornering humans on Monday. That’s just one of the calls that Portsmouth Police Officers dealt with over the past three days. We break down the highlights in these next eleven slides. Want the full story? Consider becoming an SCDN VIP.  Click here to learn how it works.

Naked News


Just before 1 am on Sunday, a caller reported that a man stripped down on the tracks on Chillicothe Street. He also threw rocks. Officers assisted Portsmouth Ambulance on the call.

Under the Influence


Police responded to a report of a man lying on the ground on US 52 at 9:30 am. They impounded pills, syringes, and one knife with a fixed blade.



At 7:23 am on Tuesday, a caller reported a woman staggering down Grandview Avenue. She was wrapped in a blanket and appeared to be high. Officers found her sitting at the intersection of 23rd and Grandview. She said she was going to get cigarettes and pop and planned to walk home to Wayne Hills.

Convenient Location


Meanwhile at Woodbine Apartments


Daughter In Danger


A woman called officers at 4:30 pm and asked that they check on her welfare. She claimed the daughter’s boyfriend had broken her hand and tied a cord around her neck.

The daughter told police she does have marks around her neck. She also told officers her boyfriend doesn’t want to talk to them.

Behave, Kids


A mom called officers just after 11 pm to report a neighborhood kid pointing a BB gun at her children. She said the boy is also shooting at objects with his BB gun.

Officers found the BB gun on the sidewalk and impounded it. Police contacted the boy’s probation officers.

Out of Gas


Officers pushed a stopped car on the U.S. Grand Bridge to safety at 7:30 am. The driver ran out of gas. She called a cab to go get some gas to bring back.

Meanwhile at Speedway


Two men were on the Speedway lot just before 9 am bumming money. They were gone when officers arrived.


Two men matching the description of the Speedway panhandlers turned up at Aldi on Tuesday at 11:30 am. Again, they bothered customers for money. And again, they were gone when police arrived.

Where You Don’t Belong


Hey, That’s My Stuff!


Pit Bull Gone Crazy

Officers were called to 17th street for a dog attack. The caller said that a pit bull had “gone crazy.”

The animal killed the caller’s cat and turned aggressive on humans.  The animal would not allow the caller into her home. The dog’s owner was not present at the scene.

The animal was contained inside a fenced yard at the home.  Police forwarded the call to the Health Department.


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