PPD – The Most Popular Gas Station On Earth

Gas station

If you judge by Portsmouth, Ohio crime reports, the Speedway on Gallia is the most popular place on the planet. Some folks can’t stay away from it even it involves spending a few weeks in jail. PPD dealt with another person who just can’t leave the place alone along with a tailgate in the road and a possible case of elder abuse. We’ve got the Thursday highlights in these next 8 slides.

Meanwhile at Speedway

Not sure what the draw is at the Gallia Street Speedway, but a lot of folks seem to have a hard time staying out of the place.  Recently, they’ve had a problem with two brothers panhandling in the parking lot. They picked one up on Wednesday.  On Thursday, officers detained the other frequent unwanted visitor at 12:30 am for criminal trespass and made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome.

He said he understood and would not come back

False Alarms

Can’t We All Just Get Along

Officers received calls about a domestic incident on Robinson Avenue from both the man and the woman involved. The woman said the man hit her. The man said she slapped him. He also claimed she was coming down from a heroin high. Police too information for a report.


Under The Influence

Welfare Check

Officers did a welfare check for a woman living at the Woodbine Apartments just before 11 am. A caller reported her adult children were taking advantage of her and possible drug activity at the apartment. The woman wasn’t there but the police said the apartment appeared clean.



The eastbound lane of the Sciotoville Overpass was blocked just before noon by a white tailgate in the middle of the road. A city service worker removed the tailgate within 10 minutes.

Hey, That’s My Stuff

Keep It In The Dirt

Officers responded to a complaint of dirt bikes speeding up and down 17th Street just after 6:30 pm. They found the bikes parked on the sidewalk. Police spoke with the mom of the kids the bikes belonged to. They advised they can’t ride dirt bikes on streets or sidewalks.

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